159 hubs total
In this category:
Game Engines
Generally speaking, a game engine can be defined as the architecture t...
Create GIF
GIF (acronym for Graphics Interchange Format) represents a bitmap...
Help Creators
The great majority of applications comes with a Help file (usually acc...
Business Card Creator
Business cards contain information related to a company, organization ...
Create Ringtone
Whenever there is an incoming call or SMS on a mobile phone, a rington...
MSI Creator
MSI is a special type of setup package which includes information rela...
ASCII Creator
These applications will enable users to creates ASCII graphics using t...
Create Bootable USB
In order to build a bootable USB, users will obviously need to have at...
Backup DVDs
DVDs have gained a lot of popularity lately, mainly due to their incre...
Image Capture
Image capturing is the process of taking a screenshot that shows ...
Anaglyph Creator
Anaglyph images can be used to create a stereoscopic 3D effect, if the...
Create Backup
Backing up data implies making copies of the most important files and ...
Create Passwords
Passwords are secret words, phrases or custom strings of characters us...
Panorama Creator
Panoramic images are the ones that display landscapes with v...
XLS Creators
XLS format is the one of the spreadsheets created by Microsoft Office ...
MKV Creators
MKV format title comes from Matroska, inspired by the Russian mat...
BlackBerry Ringtone Creator
BlackBerry handsets are portable e-mail and smartphone devices that ar...
Barcode Generators
Barcodes are optical machine-readable representations of data that dis...
SFX Creators
SFX files are a special type of archives since they do not requir...
Create DOCX
DOCX is the default file extension used for representing the documents...
Create SVG
Scalable Vector Graphics, better known as SVG, is a two-dimensional ve...
3GP Creators
3GP is an abbreviation for 3GPP format and is a multimedia container t...
Label Designer
Label designers are graphic applications that will offer users the pos...
Create YUV
YUV, also referred to as Y'UV, is a file format particularly suited to...
Create AU
AU is an audio file format originally created for Unix-based or Sun Mi...
Create PDF
PDF (an acronym for Portable Document Format) is a file format de...
Audio Recorders
Audio recording is the process that includes the capture and playback ...
Create F4V
F4V was created by Apple and it is a multimedia format especially suit...
Create EMF
Enhanced Metafile Format, better known as EMF, is the 32-bit version o...
Create e-Book
The term 'e-book' stands for electronic book and it is used to represe...
Create DXF
DXF is the ASCII version of DWG and it is the format used for managing...